Trainer / Switzerland

Alain Jaquier has been a Police K-9 Handler in Switzerland since 2013. His K9 partner Zkeetch is trained in trailing, air scenting, object search, and bite work. Alain is also a dog trainer and a police trainer in intervention tactics, shooting, and krav-maga. 

Alain discovered scent work with his first private dog. During several years he followed an interest in different tracking styles and observed several police and private dog trainings in this area. This allowed him to get an overview of different styles before beginning his career as a police K-9 handler. In 20212 Alain met Alis Dobler during a training weekend in France.

From then on, Alain has worked closely with Alis following the GAK9 philosophy. He attended many seminars with different GAK9 instructors in order to improve his trailing knowledge.

In 2016 Alain spent several weeks with Jeff Schettler on Edisto Island SC, USA training urban and tactical trailing.

In 2017 Alain started as a trailing instructor for Police Dogs.

In 2018 Alain started his own trailing group “Mantrailing Vaud” to share his passion and knowledge.