K9 Expert and Author Jeff Schettler
Jeff Schettler is a retired police K9 handler who worked for the City of Alameda and County of Amador in California and was attached to the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Teams’ K9 Assistance Program for two years. This program was designed to locate and apprehend high-risk fugitives on the run. Jeff has worked hundreds of trailing cases across the USA and is a specialist in the areas of tactical tracking applications. Schettler is a certified military trainer graduating from the prestigious US Army’s Leadership Academy also known as Drill Sergeant School.
Jeff Schettler, is the author of four tracking and trailing books. Red Dog Rising, K9 Trailing; The Straightest Path, Tactical Tracker Teams, the Tao of Trailing, and his latest work Two Weeks to Operational Tracking. For more information and to bundle all four and save, click below to view in the GAK9 Store.

Two Weeks to Operational Tracking
Take your tracking work to an entirely new level with this step by step solution to urban K9 manhunting! This is a two week, 10 day system to lay a strong foundation for urban tracking work. The basis for this book is my experience with some of the most intelligent, confounding dogs that I have ever worked with: Military MPC’s or Multi-Purpose Canines. My career over the last twenty-five years has taken me far indeed. To almost every continent on the Earth and twenty-five countries all for tracking training, but of all the programs I have been part of, these last seven years have been the most amazing and educational. I believe I have learned more in the last several years than I have in the last couple of decades. This program is fast and though I think anyone can get a lot from it, the advanced MPC’s will respond the fastest. This book is for all Specialized Search & Rescue, Police & Military patrol dog teams that are responsible for working a myriad of tough jobs in incredibly tough conditions.

The Tao of Trailing
The Tao of Trailing is my fourth and final book on the art of trailing or tracking human scent with a police, search and rescue, or military K9. It is my advanced manuscript on the most difficult of all working dog disciplines. Tao was written to take K9 manhunting work to the next level for handlers who hunt humans for a living with dogs. In short, it is an advanced training manual with an emphasis on the philosophy of manhunting and working with a K9 partner. Trailing is ancient and the first written record of humans using trailing dogs was in 1307 Scotland. It has seen a huge worldwide resurgence in recent years in part due to my books. The reason for the mantrailing explosion is really because there is nothing more exciting than hunting humans with dogs!

Tactical Tracker Teams
First book of it’s kind in existence! Jeff Schettler began the modern tactical tracking movement in the United States and this book should be in every military, police, or sheriff’s department library as required reading! Full color with over 80 color photos and diagrams.

K9 Trailing | The Straightest Path
Foreword for K9 Trailing; The Straightest Path:
“Constant failure is not an option for me nor should it be for any handler interested in saving lives and solving crime. There was a time when I did not know what success in trailing was and I had to take a serious look at my training protocols. The “Straightest Path” is nothing more than a simple and honest path to good trailing training based not only on all of my experience in the field being successful, but also all of my failures. There can be no growth without both. I will outline my method for working trailing dogs, step by step, and with only one goal in mind: finding people. This program was designed for anyone handling a trailing dog and I have been teaching it now for over a decade. It is important to offer to others what was so generously given to me by many of the great handlers of the past and present.
…Follow me, if you dare, to a path less traveled!”

Red Dog Rising
Every once in awhile a spectacular book comes along that is fun to read, riveting and informative. This is one such book. I personally have not been as excited about a book in a long time. Jeff Schettler is a retired police Bloodhound handler who tells us about the training and use of his first Bloodhound, Ronin.
Mr. Schettler has gone through what every search dog handler has experienced, such as the battle to prove the worthiness of dogs, learning how to train, read and use a dog, facing discouragement and most important of all, experiencing the bond that only a working dog handler can understand, with their dog.