
As a dog behaviorist I think it is very important to give our dogs an occupation or job. I discovered a lot of sports and activities, some of which I still practice with my own dogs or use in my behavioral training. Despite this, I kept on searching for the best to keep my own dogs healthy in body and mind. In 2020 I started with my first Swiss Shepherd in Hans Mergits’ National Dog Trailing Team. Working with their nose and chasing a scent fulfills dogs basic instincts and gives them satisfaction. Mantrailing is a team sport, so a good relationship between handler and dog and confidence will grow between them.
Mantrailing became a passion and I started reading and learning more about it. Over the years I followed several seminars and workshops and loved it more and more. For me GAK9 is a perfect method to mantrail. Following the course to become a GAK9 Sporttrailing trainer and starting to teach other people how to give their dogs fulfillment in life through mantrailing was a logical continuation.
I currently have 2 Swiss Shepherds, Siah and Utah, who love mantrailing as much as I do.