GAK9 is proud to offer an exciting new K9 training concept that will truly prove helpful to tracking students who cannot physically make it to our schools. We can provide any aspiring K9 handler with all of the tools necessary to become an effective manhunter through online mentoring.
How do we do it?
The process if fairly simple and we will provide you with everything you need to start!
Ten Day Training Outline from tracking imprinting a new dog, pup or adult all the way up to basic urban tracking. This outline will give you the step by step training requirements for getting your dog going with our program. Each step will include online tutoring with Jeff Schettler directly. Online tutoring includes:
- Skype, Facebook Messenger, GoTo Meeting, or Facetime discussion of each training step.
- There are no refunds once video reviews have begun. However, in some situations we may offer transference of the balance of training to another dog or dog team.
- Video review of your training with grading and training tips for each step.
- Guidance and mentoring of your potential training sites via Google Earth.
- Managing and maintaining your tracking map overlays. We will teach you how to real-time map all of your practice tracks with available applications and software.
- Online testing for each phase of your elected program though our:
Provide you with the training books to get the job done: Jeff’s books are an international sensation and used by police departments around the world for tracking training. You will receive copies of K9 Trailing; The Straightest Path and the Tao of Trailing.

Provide you with a Private Dropbox folder so you can conveniently upload your training notes, maps, and videos for review. The DropBox folder is yours free of charge to access at any time.
What you will need…
1) Internet access on a desktop or on your mobile device
2) Two hours per week for sessions with Jeff. *More sessions are possible based on appointment and availability.
3) At least one training day per week where you can practice with your dog and record the action.
4) Trail layers or persons laying your track for the dog for each training session.
5) Video recording device. We recommend a GoPro or video-recording glasses that are worn on the head. This is important as Jeff needs to see what you see as you see it. Quality is important. GoPro seems to be the easiest device out there and the most reliable. *All video recordings must be from the handler’s perspective of the dog and not from behind the handler unless directed. We may use some video of the handler as well to address handling issues but what is most important is to see what the dog looks like when it is working.
Have been working on the Trailing Imprinting Online Mentoring Course with Jeff, and my little mal puppy Rasmus, and am thoroughly enjoying the journey! We started when Ras was just 8wks old, and have been at it a month and a half…. setting the little guy up for success as much as possible and then watching him learn and discover on his own, through Jeff’s system, has just been nothing but awesome! Jeff is also an excellent instructor, he has a solution for every problem you may encounter and is very even tempered (I have worked under some angry instructors in the past and while you might learn things you never enjoy doing so, and tend to resent the experience!). He gives praise where it is due, and any criticisms are purely factual because you have made errors that need correcting and never in a personal or angry manner at all. We are about to move on to the Intermediate Trailing phase with Ras, continuing through the Online Mentoring Program, and I can’t wait! I have nothing but praise for Jeff and his methods, and I would certainly recommend his Online Mentoring Program to anyone who wants to up their Manhunting game!