

Become a Sport Tracking Trainer.

Sport Tracking School Trainer’s Course

Sport tracking is sweeping the world as the newest hobby for dog owners to enjoy. For current or aspiring dog trainers, this is a business opportunity that will keep your initial obedience clients coming back for years. There is simply no better residual business model for dog trainers than the GAK9 Sport Tracking. Think about it, you train the client dog to an excellent level of obedience and they are completely satisfied and leave you great reviews. But, you probably won’t see them again until they get another dog. That can be years down the line. What if we could offer you a training program that could keep your dog training clients coming back week after week….for years!? Well, the GAK9 Sport Tracking Program may be the ticket!

We can train you in the tracking method that has proven to be incredibly successful on every continent. GAK9 Founder and Police K9 Trainer Jeff Schettler, trains police departments and Search & Rescue groups world wide. The author of four books on the subject as well as countless magazine articles on the art of tracking has made Jeff the go to resource for police and military tracking dogs. No other trainer in the world today trains more tracking dogs than Jeff and he has now brought his program to the general dog training industry. Not only has it been incredibly popular but lucrative as well for Jeff’s trainers around the world. Take a look at our impressive list of trainers across the globe:

School Located in Edisto Island, SC

With Georgia K9 NTC as your School banner there will be little needed to brand yourself or establish a business footprint.

We have done that for you.

With Our Sport Tracker Training, GAK9 Offers:

  • Comprehensive sport tracking training from Author and K9 Expert, Jeff Schettler and his team.
  • Advertisement for you by GAK9.
  • Student Uniforms
  • Trainer uniforms and K9 Equipment (value of $500.00) included with successful graduation!
  • Placement on the Georgia K9 NTC Trainers Web Page.
  • Award certificates of completion.

If you think you have what it takes to become a Georgia K9 NTC Sport Tracking Trainer this is the class for you.  There are two training options:


  • Individual Class featuring one on one training for two weeks at our Edisto Island Tracker School facility.
  • Group Class with a total of five student/ trainers for three weeks at our Edisto Island Tracker School Facility.


  • Personal K9 Training/ Work Credentials- experience and/ or prior K9 work or training is necessary
  • Personal K9 Capable of completing the course and final certification
  • Must be able to train a second K9 provided for class components
  • Must have the mandatory equipment list for this class
  • Personal transportation and vehicle crates for K9
  • Must Pass the TTTK9 University Online Trailing Course
  • Must Pass the final K9 Trailing certification:

With our 16 levels of Trailing certification you are guaranteed to keep your students and clients active and engaged with your training program.


Trainers course cost for one on one training with lodging: $8750.00

Trainers Course Group Class 3:1 Student to Trainer Ratio: $3250.00 each student.

Course Description:

  • Lodging is included!
  • One day of Classroom with video and slideshow: Scent Theory and basic handling techniques.
  • 8 Days of Fieldwork practicing your new discipline.
  • 2 days of certification preparation and final test.

Final Graduation Dinner:

  • All course-training manuals will be provided.
  • Trailing harness, 30’ lead, and patrol lead included
  • Lodging included
  • Meals are not included

Successful Graduation:

 Upon successful course completion we will provide you with the following:

  • Georgia K9 NTC Trainer’s Certificate
  • Georgia K9 NTC Trainer’s Uniform
  • GAK9 Trainers’ Polo Shirt
  • GAK9 Trainers’ Pants
  • GAK9 Trainers’ Hat

Georgia K9 NTC

130 Prominence Point PKWY

Canton, GA 30114

GA: (770) 721-(MYK9)


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GAK9 South Carolina

8261 Manse Rd

Edisto Island, SC 29438

SC: (843) 823-0660