

Trainer / Germany

David-Lee Layata was born in 1980 in Freiburg/Germany.   He is married to Tina Layata and has two children.  David was German soldier since 2000 and retired in 2008 as a SSG-Staff Sergeant with experience working numerous foreign assignments.  He has always worked with dogs, especially the Rottweiler and is a breeder and special-trainer of them.  David is currently working with one of his three Rottweilers in Mantrailing.

David’s qualifications are:

  • International Judge for breeders in ACW (Alianz Canine Worldwide)
  • Consultant in Canine Affairs
  • Expert in Nutrition for Dogs
  • Professional k9-handler (Security service VBG-BGV C7)
  • President of Dofgorces Academy since 2016
  • President of The Sniffling Dogs e. V.

Tel: 07245/8601729  Fax: 07245/8600432  Mobil: 0151/41908827  Mail: davidlee.layata@googlemail.com